Sunday, October 7, 2007

October 7, 2007

I had my clog class yesterday, went great. Starting on the cuff part now. Will post pic as it gets closer to finish.
I am arranging my projects to take on vacation. Have to cut fabric for two baby quilts and maybe finish a mystery quilt I started. I will work on a wool sweater and take a felted bag project along also.

I started reading The Divide by Nicholas Evans, so far very good.

Posted a pic of our dog, Abby. I had a artist draw this from an emailed picture, it turned out real good. Hope you enjoy it.

Happy Sunday.

P.S. Don't forget to sign up under comments for the Pay it Forward (see 09/25/07 posting below). It is a great way to pass on some kindness. Let me know how to contact you. Thanks

Saturday, October 6, 2007

October 6, 2007

Well, keeping a blog is not easy, there is not enough time in the day to do everything I want to do. I have not had any replys to the Pay it Forward, which is sad, it is such a good idea. Giving out of the kindness of your heart and hoping others will pass it on. May be word just needs to get out there more, I know most people are giving people, and sometimes they just don't realize it.

I have been knitting and quilting.

I have one sleeve to still finish on my brundt orange sweater, I want to take that on vacation with me, since it is getting cool here already. I have vest and a cuff to cuff sweater on needles also. And I am taking a clog class today. But the good news is I did finish two projects.

I like to knit, but have a real problem with purling long rows, it causes my arm to hurt, I am sure I am doing something wrong, but don't know what. I have looked it up on KH and it was suggested to try shoulder messages, and it does work. I just wished I knew what I was doing wrong with the purling. (I find myself staying away from patterns with alot of purling.)

On vacation I will be taking knitting and quilting, need to make some baby quilts. And a good book. But now it is time to enjoy the weekend.

Later, Marilynn